It it’s a new cathodic protection system we need to determine which type is most suitable. This depends in part on the object that needs protecting, the type of soil the object is placed in and the type of coating that is applied.
When designing new Cathodic Protection (CP) systems a check will be performed to see which method suits best. This is dependent for instance on the size of the units that need protecting, the type of soil the object is buried in and the type of coating that is used.
Preliminary research
Based on preliminary research and extensive knowledge and experience, Korf KB can advise you using a generic Cathodic protection plan or a cathodic protection (CP) work plan.
As soon as a new or modified system is activated Korf KB can take care of the completion and using a completion report, show that the system is compliant to the norms set by for instance the NEN12954. This report will also indicate what the checks and maintenance entails.