Positioning anode bed
In general, the transition resistance of a new deep anode bed has to be below 3 ohm. Before determining the size of the anode column and the depth of the drill hole, Korf KB first conducts on-site tests to confirm the expected soil resistivity. After drilling the drill hole a measuring probe is used for establishing the actual soil resistivity at intervals of 5 metres. On the basis of this information we compose the anode bed which consists of anodes and dummies.
During the construction of the anode column, we make sure that the anodes are placed in the soil layer with the lowest soil resistivity. The electrical resistance sustained by the current sent from the rectifier to the anode bed into the ground should be as low as possible. This is why anodes are usually placed at larger depths; here the soil resistivity levels are more favourable, enabling the electricity to flow easily from the anode to the cathode that has to be protected. Generally, the head of the anode bed is situated at -40m from the surface level, also to prevent disturbance to systems of other pipeline/cable owners and to minimise the potential gradient located at the surface level.
Korf KB works with hollow silicon iron tube anodes, which are placed in a tube, sealed off with backfill. The tube contains a coupling frame, which facilitates the linkage of the tubes in the field. Korf KB builds its rectifiers according to the client’s wishes, often using the Amstel rectifier, which is available in different models. For installing the rectifier system we generally use a double-door polyester cupboard. However, this too is at the client’s specific requests.

What Korf KB can do for you:
- Quick delivery of the anodes and dummies through in-house production
- Every desired cable length is available
- Rectifier is completely tailor-made in accordance with the wishes of the client
- Whole-package project approach! We take care of the:
- assembly of the rectifier (rectifier plate & E-plate),
- assembly of the anode column (anodes & dummies),
- positioning of the rectifier and anode bed in the field,
- application of the cathode cables to the pipe,
- installation of the LS-connection in the rectifier cupboard,
- installation of the system in accordance with the client’s wishes.